I think I killed my bonsai

One of the most common sentences I hear at the nursery when people arrive with a sick little tree is, "I think I killed my bonsai", the other two sentences I hear a lot are;

"Someone gave me a bonsai once but it died"


"I had a bonsai once but it suddenly turned brown and never got better"

As common as these themes are, keeping bonsai alive and well is much easier than most people think and not really any great secret!

There are three main causes of bonsai curling up their toes and ending up in the big Japanese garden in the sky!

Number one is too much water, number two is not enough water, and number 3 is leaving your tree inside for too long!

If you can manage to find the balance between the first two reasons then the third one is pretty easy as well!

Bonsai soil should be kept moist but not wet. Even if the surface of the soil seems dry, scratch about 1cm below the surface to see how it looks. Sometimes the surface can be dry but below, moist or even wet. This tree doesn't need water yet.

On the other hand sometimes the soil surface can be wet but below totally dry due to the water being repelled off the top layer and down the sides of the pot. This tree needs to be soaked in a tub of water until the soil is wet all the way through.

Bonsai are living trees like any other and need all the elements that healthy trees usually require. Sunlight, rain, wind, snow and fresh air all are important to a trees health, so bonsai should be kept out side.

As a thing of beauty you will want to bring them inside at certain times to admire your handy work. A good rule of thumb is inside for one week only, then back outside for at least three weeks.

1. don't over water it
2. don't underwater it as this will kill it much faster than number one
3. don't keep your bonsai inside for too long as this usually results in a slow painful death.

Bonsai is an art you learn over time, almost any tree can become a quality bonsai with the right training and the time for it to develop.

As long as you can keep your bonsai alive you have a great chance of it becoming a masterpiece.

How to Make Your Bonsai Look 500 Years Old

One of the most important aspects of your bonsai is the age. Not the actual age of your bonsai, but what age your bonsai appears to be. As far as aesthetics are concerned, it is important that your bonsai appears far more aged than it actually is. If you are able to create the appearance of a 500 year-old pine with a 5 year old bonsai, then you are surely well regarded and envied by the majority of your peers.

When you attempt to age your bonsai you want it to have certain characteristics, such as: tight, fine foliage; bark with fractures; branches that are open with angular bends; and a domed (as opposed to pointed) crown. Starting with a bonsai plant that already has some or all of these attributes--like old yamadori--is the quickest way, but they have their drawbacks as well. You will have to perform heavy cutting and carving to hide the removal of the heavier branches and diminish the size. This is incredibly difficult to do well, and if done incorrectly, can never be rectified. The fact that new branches grown and trained by the bonsai artist always appear more juvenile, thus complicating the matter further.

There are some techniques you can use to advance to apparent age of our bonsai, though. Some do take more time than others to have an effect.

First you must make sure that you understand what is being referred to when describing the appearance of age in bonsai. These can be broken down into five main characteristics:

1. A domed crown
2. The poise of the branches
3. Angular branch ramification
4. Distinct, separated foliage 'clouds'
5. Mature bark texture

When you look at trees that are hundreds of years old you should notice that they all carry a common trait: a domed crown. In order to create a domed crown for your bonsai you will need to dispose of the concept of "wiring a new leader". The leader should have been grown and shaped while the trunk was being developed. Once the trunk is finished all thoughts of the leader are abandoned. The apex of your bonsai should now be thought of as an apical, central branch. It should be constructed the same as any other branch, however, the limb supporting the apical branch structure will approach from below instead of from a side.

The principles of branch positioning are relatively easy to follow, but often it is compromised in the beginning as you rush for a finished image. The old broadleaved branches are generally horizontal and old conifer branches tend to sweep downward--in the simplified world of bonsai. You must remember that arching branches will not convey the impression of age. Most artist do not realize this until years later when the branches have set and are to thick to change. The key to bonsai branch poise is the get the branches correct at the outset.

Some bonsai have fine ramification and some bonsai have really fine ramification. A broom style bonsai could have millions of well-packed, miniature shoots, look well-developed and mature, but never appear ancient. It just is not that kind of image. So, ramification by itself will not give the bonsai a look of age, but the way the branches ramify does. Dramatic taper, sharp angles, switch-backs, these are all indicative of bonsai age. Restricting short foliage bearing shoots to the periferal areas, lacking thin laterals growing from the inner portion of the limbs, and short distances between the ends and forks also contribute. Old trees do not have branches forming a triangular framework, nor do they have pointed apices. These branches should be cut back at the earliest opportunity. Every time you prune or wire your bonsai you should consider these points. No matter what age or stage of development your bonsai is in, there are always opportunities to improve.

Foliage on a mature bonsai can become one solid mass without proper attendance. As trees reach an older age, the foliage masses will become more isolated and sparse. The individual "clouds" will start to fragment, seeming to consist of multiple smaller clouds. Take the time to study your well developed and more established bonsai. Do you think removing one or two branches, or even thinning out the clouds to fragment them will improve both the image and apparent age of your bonsai?

The most precious feature of any bonsai is undeniably mature textured bark. Without it, few bonsai can appear mature. There are some exceptions such as acers. taxus, fagus, etc., because the bark stays smooth throughout the tree's life. Most species, however, will create a characteristic mature bark as they mature, getting a plated or fissured texture. Some, like pseudocydonia and platanus have bark that flakes in patches revealing shades of pink, buff, and green. Betula and most prunus species all their bark to peel, displaying many colorful layers.

About Author: Jason Dempsey is an avid bonsai enthusiast and artist. To learn more about using the internet to help you flourish your bonsai collection feel free to visit http://www.BonsaiMastery.com

Learning How to Grow a Ligustrum Bonsai

Ligustrum bonsai is an admirable miniature tree to grow. It is native to the woodlands and bushes of North America, Asia, Australia, Himalayas, and Europe. Ligustrum or Privet has about 50 species and each tree species have their own form and color of leaves. Ligustrum bonsai produce beautiful scented white flowers and it also bears a small round fruit.

Here are some of the most popular ligustrum tree species grown as a miniature tree:

' Oval Leaf Privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium)

' Japanese or Wax Privet (L. japonicum)

' Common Privet (L. Vulgare)

' Glossy Privet or Rapid Growing (L. lucidum)

' Chinese Privet (L. sinense)

' L. recurvifolium

Everyone can grow a ligustrum bonsai as long as you have basic knowledge in growing it. Here are some important facts you should know about growing a ligustrum bonsai:

' Grow your little ligustrum tree in a container that has drainage holes because this will help prevent clogging of water inside the pot.

' Avoid standing water in the pot for your miniature tree because water can still get to the root system, especially if you are using a saucer or tray under the pot of the miniature tree.

' Ligustrum bonsai does not require a specific soil mixture, but you should make use of soil that its components will promote good drainage.

' Provide your miniature tree with sufficient amounts of water. You must not allow your little tree to be extremely dry because it will suffer from dehydration, which is a very fatal condition to it.

' When you water your ligustrum bonsai, it is recommended that you use a water container that has fine nozzle to prevent washing out of the soil from the container of the miniature tree.

' Expose your little tree to morning sunlight because this is good for them, it will help your little tree to produce their own food without causing damage to its leaves. But you must provide shade to your miniature tree during midday and afternoon because the sun rays are very strong and it can cause burning of the leaves.

' Feed your miniature tree with an all purpose fertilizer. Usually you have to feed the miniature tree twice a month during the season of growth, and apply fertilizer to your indoor bonsai once a month during the winter period. But be sure that you read the manufacturer's instruction printed over the label so that you will not give too much or too less fertilizer to your miniature tree.

' Repotting your ligustrum bonsai should be done every year. But you can check the roots of your ligustrum bonsai on a regular basis so that you can change the container of the little tree as early as possible, and prevent pot bound.

' Trimming your ligustrum bonsai should be done during the growth season, and hard pruning should be performed during the late part of winter or early part of spring.

' It's up to you either to use copper or aluminum wire in wiring the branches and trunk of your miniature tree. You can perform wiring from spring up to summer season.


Preston Blackmore is a Bonsai enthusiast. He has worked with local masters to learn everything there is to know about Bonsai. Now these years of research and development are at your fingertips. For more information on Ligustrum Bonsai, visit http://www.beginnerbonsaiguide.com.

Guide in Propagating Bonsai Chinese Elm

There are a lot of tree species that can be converted to a miniature tree. They can be made an indoor bonsai, outdoor bonsai, or both because some species can tolerate both environments. However, there are chosen tree species that are very good as a miniature tree and Chinese elm ranks one of the top picks. Bonsai Chinese elm can be a good indoor and outdoor bonsai. Most of the bonsai Chinese elm grows following the broom shape.

What is Chinese elm?

It is a native tree species from East Asia. It is popularly known as Lacebark elm. It can be an evergreen tree if is propagated indoors and it grows as a deciduous tree if it is propagated outdoors. It can keep its leaves during winter, or in some cases they can keep a lot of leaves during milder cold periods of the year.

What are the characteristics of Chinese elm that makes it a good bonsai tree?

It can be a good bonsai because it has slender trunk that are covered with an attractive bark. There are two varieties of barks that Chinese elms can have, which are rough barked varieties and smooth barked varieties. The former bark variety has dark brown color and has corky bark; while the latter bark variety have silver to grayish bark that appears no texture. But some varieties of smooth barked are capable of exfoliating their bark and exposes an inner bark that has orange or tan color.

It also have small, thick, and dark green leaves which have a shinning top. Every early autumn, they produce apetalous small flowers. During fall season, it bears a one-seeded fruit that matures.

Why is Chinese elm recommended to be propagated as a bonsai tree?

It is recommended to be propagated as a bonsai tree because you don't have to be an expert in bonsai propagation. Beginners in bonsai cultivation will not have difficulty in raising a Chinese elm tree species as a bonsai. The requirements to be successful in cultivating a bonsai Chinese elm are to have a basic knowledge about the tree's characteristics and you should know how to grow it properly.

How to grow a bonsai Chinese elm properly?

The first thing you should know is that you can expose the bonsai Chinese elm under a full sun and beneath a shady area. But when during the season of summer, you have to protect it from too much sunlight to prevent it from too much drying because this can lead to dehydration. Dehydration can weaken your bonsai Chinese elm and if not applied with appropriate measures it can lead to its death.

Next, is to water the miniature Chinese elm when the soil gets dry. Keeping the soil moist at all times, especially during springtime and early part of summer, is good so that it can grow well.

Then, feed it with a fertilizer that contains high amounts of nitrogen. Fertilize it every week for a month then continue feeding it every two weeks until the end of summer.

When you perform wiring in your Chinese elm bonsai, you carefully wrap the wires around the branches because it can leave scars on the bark. You should prune after early spring and leave one or two nodes closest to the main trunk. Repotting should be done every 1-3 years and it should be performed during early spring.


Preston Blackmore is a Bonsai enthusiast. He has worked with local masters to learn everything there is to know about Bonsai. Now these years of research and development are at your fingertips. For more information on Bonsai Chinese Elm, visit http://www.beginnerbonsaiguide.com.

Finding The Bonsai Trees That Fits Your Personality

Going back thousands of existence ago, the bonsai stand has a rich saga. The Chinese may have been the first dash to trim and influence the bonsai plants but records show that bonsais were seen in Egyptian tombs 2000 days ago.

Records also show that Indian herbalists preserved these cherished plants in small containers because of the dwarfish sizes 1500 years ago.

Nevertheless of course, when talking about the advanced cultivation of Bonsai, we often roll to the Chinese training. They ongoing budding the bonsai stand at a stop when the ultimate was cultural learning. Later, the Japanese adopted the hobby and even associated it to their belief in Buddha. Bonsai became a polish and an art for both the Chinese and the Japanese.

When choosing the right bonsai for you, you must be attentive that there are two types: the calm and the humid.

Temperate bonsai can live in low temperatures, thanks to their shallow roots. It wishes protection from the cold however. Examples of pleasant bonsai are the maples and junipers.

Meanwhile, the stifling bonsai has difficulty adjusting to cold temperatures. As much as you can, protect it against iciness. Examples of stifling bonsai are the ficus, serissa and bougainvillea.

Be conscious of the temperature when you're retail a bonsai. Get one that won't have a hard time adjusting. If you are opinion of receiving a bonsai that will be outdoors 24-7, then get one that can sell it.

If you are getting a bonsai that will be placed inside the house, at least, make reliable that it gets the right quantity of sunlight and enough water. The interior bonsai wishes more water than one mature outdoors.

Generally, bonsai enthusiasts bought these plants so that they could abridge and mold it themselves. If you already have a design in care, then you should consider this as a cause in deciding what kind of bonsai you'd buy.

Styles of bonsai vary from clean to complicate. Nevertheless do not fear; there are hundreds of bonsai books you can read. These have illustrated films from world prominent bonsai artist Matsahito Kimura.

Whichever sort you crop, clip or profile your bonsai, while you make assured that the workshop gets the sunlight and the water it needs, it will certainly grow and become the conceal that you want it to be.

With each bonsai, you'd rapidly find yourself hooked!

Information on growing peach trees can be found at the Peach Facts site.

Feng Shui Bonsai Trees

One of the most trendy and easiest to grow among bonsai hierarchy species is the onsai money tree. If you hope to gift yourself or a loved one with the exact internal lodge, look no more because there's no one that a bonsai moneytree can't choose.

A Starter Planted Bonsai moneytrees are height gifts for people with very light green thumbs or are still opening out in farming. Unlike other species of bonsai grass, the bonsai moneytree is calm and unfussy to grow. It requires least precision and attention, so you don't necessarily have to consume the complete day monitoring its cyst. Of course, be constant to notify your recipient that even bonsai moneytrees indigence to be shown TLC once in a while to grow suitably.

Tree for Luck Bonsai moneytrees are total gifts for people who are superstitious by kind because in Eastern myths, bonsai moneytrees signs of fortune especially when you acquire them not by goods but by way of gifts from other people. Make steady that you notify the recipient of course that godsend won't pound on their doorstep if they don't take exclusive precision of their stand.

The accident of bonsai moneytrees depend on the number of trees it has on each stem. It's usual for bonsai moneytrees to have four or five grass on each stem. Make clearly then that you don't give something minus than this as it could cause your more superstitious recipients to think that you don't long for them to copious thrive.

The luckiest among all bonsai moneytrees are those with seven trees on each stem. If you find a bonsai moneytree of this kind, do make sure that you give it to someone who's extremely prized to you. A unique bonsai moneytree, after all, is meant for a special persona!

Other Things to understand Bonsai Moneytrees A bonsai moneytree is mostly restricted to be one to less than two feet tall. If left to grow totally, however, bonsai moneytrees can grow as tall as 7 feet. If you or your recipient thus have an internal garden or conservatory with particularly high ceilings, it's potential for you to allocate bonsai moneytrees to grow quite inside your home. When grown copious, bonsai moneytrees will possess enormous and acutely green leaves on top.

Lastly, if you are a believer of feng shui, you should know that bonsai moneytree can transport decisive chi to your house - but only if you place it in the pecuniary phase of your home or staff.

To learn about canning peaches and freezing peaches, visit the Peach Facts website.

Guide in Propagating Bonsai Chinese Elm

There are a lot of tree species that can be converted to a miniature tree. They can be made an indoor bonsai, outdoor bonsai, or both because some species can tolerate both environments. However, there are chosen tree species that are very good as a miniature tree and Chinese elm ranks one of the top picks. Bonsai Chinese elm can be a good indoor and outdoor bonsai. Most of the bonsai Chinese elm grows following the broom shape.

What is Chinese elm?

It is a native tree species from East Asia. It is popularly known as Lacebark elm. It can be an evergreen tree if is propagated indoors and it grows as a deciduous tree if it is propagated outdoors. It can keep its leaves during winter, or in some cases they can keep a lot of leaves during milder cold periods of the year.

What are the characteristics of Chinese elm that makes it a good bonsai tree?

It can be a good bonsai because it has slender trunk that are covered with an attractive bark. There are two varieties of barks that Chinese elms can have, which are rough barked varieties and smooth barked varieties. The former bark variety has dark brown color and has corky bark; while the latter bark variety have silver to grayish bark that appears no texture. But some varieties of smooth barked are capable of exfoliating their bark and exposes an inner bark that has orange or tan color.

It also have small, thick, and dark green leaves which have a shinning top. Every early autumn, they produce apetalous small flowers. During fall season, it bears a one-seeded fruit that matures.

Why is Chinese elm recommended to be propagated as a bonsai tree?

It is recommended to be propagated as a bonsai tree because you don't have to be an expert in bonsai propagation. Beginners in bonsai cultivation will not have difficulty in raising a Chinese elm tree species as a bonsai. The requirements to be successful in cultivating a bonsai Chinese elm are to have a basic knowledge about the tree's characteristics and you should know how to grow it properly.

How to grow a bonsai Chinese elm properly?

The first thing you should know is that you can expose the bonsai Chinese elm under a full sun and beneath a shady area. But when during the season of summer, you have to protect it from too much sunlight to prevent it from too much drying because this can lead to dehydration. Dehydration can weaken your bonsai Chinese elm and if not applied with appropriate measures it can lead to its death.

Next, is to water the miniature Chinese elm when the soil gets dry. Keeping the soil moist at all times, especially during springtime and early part of summer, is good so that it can grow well.

Then, feed it with a fertilizer that contains high amounts of nitrogen. Fertilize it every week for a month then continue feeding it every two weeks until the end of summer.

When you perform wiring in your Chinese elm bonsai, you carefully wrap the wires around the branches because it can leave scars on the bark. You should prune after early spring and leave one or two nodes closest to the main trunk. Repotting should be done every 1-3 years and it should be performed during early spring.


Preston Blackmore is a Bonsai enthusiast. He has worked with local masters to learn everything there is to know about Bonsai. Now these years of research and development are at your fingertips. For more information on Bonsai Chinese Elm, visit http://www.beginnerbonsaiguide.com.

Finding The Bonsai Trees That Fits Your Personality

Going back thousands of existence ago, the bonsai stand has a rich saga. The Chinese may have been the first dash to trim and influence the bonsai plants but records show that bonsais were seen in Egyptian tombs 2000 days ago.

Records also show that Indian herbalists preserved these cherished plants in small containers because of the dwarfish sizes 1500 years ago.

Nevertheless of course, when talking about the advanced cultivation of Bonsai, we often roll to the Chinese training. They ongoing budding the bonsai stand at a stop when the ultimate was cultural learning. Later, the Japanese adopted the hobby and even associated it to their belief in Buddha. Bonsai became a polish and an art for both the Chinese and the Japanese.

When choosing the right bonsai for you, you must be attentive that there are two types: the calm and the humid.

Temperate bonsai can live in low temperatures, thanks to their shallow roots. It wishes protection from the cold however. Examples of pleasant bonsai are the maples and junipers.

Meanwhile, the stifling bonsai has difficulty adjusting to cold temperatures. As much as you can, protect it against iciness. Examples of stifling bonsai are the ficus, serissa and bougainvillea.

Be conscious of the temperature when you're retail a bonsai. Get one that won't have a hard time adjusting. If you are opinion of receiving a bonsai that will be outdoors 24-7, then get one that can sell it.

If you are getting a bonsai that will be placed inside the house, at least, make reliable that it gets the right quantity of sunlight and enough water. The interior bonsai wishes more water than one mature outdoors.

Generally, bonsai enthusiasts bought these plants so that they could abridge and mold it themselves. If you already have a design in care, then you should consider this as a cause in deciding what kind of bonsai you'd buy.

Styles of bonsai vary from clean to complicate. Nevertheless do not fear; there are hundreds of bonsai books you can read. These have illustrated films from world prominent bonsai artist Matsahito Kimura.

Whichever sort you crop, clip or profile your bonsai, while you make assured that the workshop gets the sunlight and the water it needs, it will certainly grow and become the conceal that you want it to be.

With each bonsai, you'd rapidly find yourself hooked!

Information on growing peach trees can be found at the Peach Facts site.

Six Basic Things To Remember in Watering a Bonsai

Watering a bonsai requires proper knowledge and skill. It is not just about watering them, but also knowing the needs of your bonsai plant. Cultivating a bonsai plant is not just like any ordinary plant to grow. Bonsai needs patience and care, creativity, and proper supplication of their needs such as sunlight, nutrients, and sufficient amounts of water for them to grow healthily.

Adequate knowledge is necessary to become successful in propagation of a bonsai tree. Watering a bonsai is one of the most important things you should provide sufficiently to the growing bonsai plant. Here are six basic things you should know about watering a bonsai:

1) Significance of water. Water is very important to a bonsai plant because this keeps the bonsai well hydrated. Sufficient amounts of water will allow proper growth of your bonsai plant. It also helps to supply nutrients from the soil to the bonsai, as water is absorbed through the fine roots. Water can also help the bonsai plant to remove build up of salts.

2) Water your bonsai plant in the morning. Ideally, watering bonsai plants should be done in the morning because during day the sun shines bright light, and this will promote faster growth for your bonsai plant. This will also allow water to dry before it reaches night and prevent fungal infestation in the roots. Unlike when you water during midday, the water droplets left on the leaves will serve as lens, thus promoting burns in the leaves.

3) Frequency of watering a bonsai. The bonsai plant is not watered on a scheduled basis but you need to consider when the bonsai plant needs water. The frequency of watering a bonsai plant is determined through observation of the soil. You can check the soil through digging about a few centimeters, and when you noticed that it is dry, you can now pour water in it.

4) Hoses and watering cans. The very basic thing you should know is the use of proper containers in watering a bonsai plant. You can use water hose or watering cans that has fine nozzle to prevent the soil from washing out of the pot.

5) Right soil composition. The components of the soil where your bonsai is planted should be considered. Some soils have the capacity to retain water and others facilitate water drainage. You should ask from a reliable bonsai grower about the right components of the soil for your bonsai plant because soil is a very important factor to consider in watering a bonsai. Soil can cause underwatering or overwatering of your bonsai plant that would probably lead to withering or root rot.

6) High temperature and sunlight. Environments that have high temperature and exposure of bonsai to direct sunlight enhance water evaporation and transpiration from plants. You should make sure that your bonsai plant is exposed to a bright light during the day as this aid in optimal growth. But keep it from getting exposed to sunlight during noontime because this enhances water evaporation. You can place the bonsai plant under the shade especially during middle of the day.


Preston Blackmore is a Bonsai enthusiast. He has worked with local masters to learn everything there is to know about Bonsai. Now these years of research and development are at your fingertips. For more information on Bonsai Watering, visit http://www.beginnerbonsaiguide.com.

Bonsai Care

Gaining knowledge about growing the perfect bonsai tree can mean you can either be the successful growing healthy trees or just not succeeding at all. It’s certainly not hard to care for and grow a bonsai tree. If you can grow any other plant then you can certainly grow bonsia. They may need that bit more care with regards to watering them and a bit more pruning and the greatest thing is you can prune them to whatever shape that you would love to see.

A bonsai tree is basically the same as an ordinary tree and if left to their on devices they will flourish away like every other. So now you now know why they need pruning more often, keeping them to the shape, size and the height that is pleasing to you. It’s important to keep the roots healthy by ensuring that they are pruned every couple of years and to repot your bonsai tree every couple of yearsas well. This ensures healthy growth. A bonsai tree will grow to depending on how often you prune it. It’s completely up to you what size you want it to be and depending on where you keep it.

There is a great misconception that bonsia trees are extremely difficult to grow or maintain, this is not true. Once you get a firm grip on the basics of growing a bonsia tree you will quickly realize that maintaining and caring for them is really quite easy. After that, you will have the greatest satisfaction showing them off to your friends and family.

The key to the perfect bonsai tree is growing them so that they look exactly like a large tree. And as I daid before you do not need to have them the same shape and size. In fact my father inlaw has one shape like the antlers of a stag. It's really up to your own imagination.

The information we have today is far greater now than what it was years ago and that information that you want or need for growing, maintaining and caring for you bonsia is far easier to get hold of. With that in mind you will be able to have that perfect bonsai sat in your room that you can admire and all those who come to visit.

Wishing you every success.

John Brackenwood.